Wasserwiese is an attractive, large forest-style playground in Prater Au, close to the Oberes Heustadelwasser, a dead channel of the Danube. It’s situated in Leopoldstadt, Vienna’s 2nd district. Its highlight is a water play area that we find to be more than appropriate for a playground and a meadow with such a name (“water meadow” in German). Wasserwiese is particularly amiable in summer, since the combination of the water playground and plenty of shade from the trees makes even the hottest days quite bearable here. Besides the water playground, you will also find a sand & mud playground, a sand pit, a slide, and a climbing facility here, as well as swings, a nest, and swinging animals. As you would expect, picnic tables and a drinking-water fountain are not missing either. Having said so, the Wasserwiese, compared to the top playgrounds in Prater Park, is much less equipped and, hence, much calmer. If you are looking for a more action-packed playground, visit the usual suspects, such as the Jesuitenwiese (Ranch Playground), Arenawiese, Meiereiwiese, Affenspielplatz (Monkeys’ Playground), or even Großenzersdorfer Wiese (Lusthaus Playground). However, since these are all more popular and because they are closer to the Praterstern transport hub (except for the Lusthaus Playground), they are usually far more crowded, too.
Area Size
ca. 95070 m²