Robinson Island Playground is an adventure forest playground with animation and nature-inspired programs, run by Kinderfreunde. Located in the 19th district and close to Heiligenstädter Park, it´s hands-down one of the coolest playgrounds in Vienna. More than just a playground, Robinson Island Playground teaches kids to understand, know and respect nature – it’s truly incredible. The wild vegetation creates the appearance of a true forest in the middle of a densely-populated, residential area that also features a petting zoo. Something you won’t find elsewhere in Vienna is the absolutely original playground with tailor-made playground equipment made of wood and all-natural materials. Many activities are offered ranging from the nature-related like planting plants or feeding animals, to the sports like football, to the adventure days and nights to crafts and creative activities. The craft and other themed workshops, as well as the bad-weather-activities, take place in the small chalet located directly on the premises. There’s even a crafts market with Christmas and Easter being the most popular themes. The chalet is available to rent and allows for an event or workshop to be taught by the Kinderfreunde animators staff for groups of kids, kindergartens, or schools. It’s also available for children’s birthday parties. Unlike most outdoor playgrounds in Vienna,the Robinson Island Playground is not open to the public throughout the year, but only on certain days of the week. During the school year from April to October it´s open on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. During school holidays it’s open every day. Since opening times may vary or change, it’s best to check their website before heading there.
Admission is free. Robinson Island Playground is suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Younger children are welcome, though there´s not much for them to do. This is no longer a secret tip; but rather, an insider highlight.
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